Sleep to Work Harder

Everyday you know you need to sleep more. You can feel it as concentration starts to wane a few hours into the day. You have coffee, but an afternoon coffee can make the problem worse the next day.

In my opinion, this is actually the sign you’re on the right track. You stay up because you love life and don’t want to stop. There are papers to read and code to write. This is a noble inclination, but we have to master ourselves!

This guide is simple and involves three steps. I personally employed these techniques when I was hitting the gym six days per week and running 20 miles per week. At that time, if I was missing sleep, I got injured.

First, set a bedtime alarm one hour before you need to sleep. I used to shoot for 9 hours per night and woke up around 7am, so I had an alarm go off at 9pm to let me know I had to stop and start winding down.

Second, absolutely no technology after the alarm. You can read a book or printed material, but try to make sure it isn’t too engaging. Leave that stuff for the next day. Being slightly bored while relaxing will help you start to feel sleepy.

Third, do it consistently. You may not feel sleepy the first or the second time, but after a week of this you will start to fall asleep when you need to. Give yourself the time and it will be easier.

And that’s basically it. I could go on about exercise or proper nutrition but really if you can do the above steps, you’ll get enough sleep and not feel sleepy when you’re trying to work.

Reach out on @joe_sweeney if this was helpful or if you need anything at all.

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